Solutions for Risk Exposure®


Help Understanding the
"Quick Claim Final Payment"
from BP and the GCCF

Who is Entitled to file for a "Quick Claim" payment

For those who filed for and received emergency payments from BP and/or the Gulf Coast Claims Facility ["GCCF"], there is a new method for a final claim payment. This "Quick Claim Final Payment" is available to businesses and to individuals. It is sometimes referred to as the "quick claim" or "quick payment" claim.

Like the standard BP final claim, the "quick claim" claimant will be required to sign a full release of all claims. Before signing that release, get competent advice from an insurance loss professional and legal counsel.

Seek the assistance of a competent business loss professional
when considering this "Quick Claim" option.

Contact John Ruskin at the address or phone number, below.

John Ruskin is a Louisiana attorney and a licensed adjuster in multiple states
with a background in business claims.
Additional background on John Ruskin is available here.

There is no fee for an initial consultation.

How much is offered

Businesses which filed claims for and received emergency payments will receive $25,000.

Individuals who filed claims for and received emergency payments will receive $5,000.

What documentation needs to be provided

According to the GCCF, the only required documentation for a "quick payment" is the request form and a release signed in the original and returned to the GCCF. There is no other, additional supporting documentation required.

What does a Quick Claimant give up

These claims should be undertaken with an understanding that all alternative routes to recovery are waived, including filing litigation and a filing with the Coast Guard under the OPA.

If your damages are larger than the total amount you have received from BP or the GCCF, you can not continue to file claims. The "Quick Claim" is designed to create certainty and finality in the claims process.

What to do now -- If you are considering a Quick Claim

Consult with a competent loss professional, and seek legal counsel

For consultation on claims arising from the BP spill, please contact John Ruskin at the address or phone number, below.

Background on John Ruskin is available here.
How to contact Ruskin & Associates

     JohnRuskin (at) ComplianceOfficer (dot) Com

     phone number

Postal Mailing Address:

     phone number

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